Sunday, July 27, 2008
More pics of Kyla
I feel like I've neglected Kyla lately when it comes to pictures, and I'm sure she appreciates it. This week, however, was different. We tried to take some photos at Pilcher Park on Friday, but those didn't turn out very well. I couldn't seem to find a place to put her where there weren't a million things for her to grab and chew, so I dragged Brian out to a park near home on Saturday. Other then the grass that's in her mouth for just about every picture, I think these ones turned out pretty well. I wonder sometimes, though, if I only think that because she's my own!

This first one is from Friday. I probably have 200 photos just like this!

This was my favorite "funny" picture (and I usually get lots from Kyla)! It's the classic "this makes me gag!" sign!
Blogger Miranda said...

Hey it's Miranda Scheer! Your blog and webpages are so beautiful! I found them through Rachel Smith. How have you been? We are doing great! Your daughter is gorgeous! I now have 3 kids. Two boys and one girl. Please send my your email! Hope to hear from you soon!

Miranda Scheer